Life Transition: Pregnancy & Babies

Pregnancy and Babies (Transcription)

Hi, everyone, I am back! I know I’ve been MIA for quite some time here, and I apologize about that. I know that people have been asking me when I’m going to start doing videos again, and I have told them hopefully soon for a very long time. So here we are. I want to be very vulnerable with you all today and just explain kind of what’s been going on in my life because I think it’s important to be transparent about what’s going on and the struggles that we go through of an everyday life therapist as well.


So I had a baby almost six months ago and it’s so exciting and it’s been wonderful, but it has been a lot of work. You know, working two jobs and having a baby is a lot – having a baby in itself is a lot. So I have been trying to figure out how to go about life and go about my days and structure as much as possible. Which, you know, when you have a baby that gets thrown out the window a lot, but regardless I’ve been a little bit busy and just trying to figure how, how to go about every day and figure out how to time management and structure things, like I said, and figure out scheduling and all of this stuff.

It is okay if you’re struggling

And I really want to just come on here and let people know that it’s okay if you’re struggling, when you have a child you know, even if it’s something that is wonderful and amazing, it can be wonderful and amazing and also be really exhausting, tiring and hard. And that is totally okay. I think that we get this idea that we’re just supposed to kind of bounce back and figure out, all right, you have the baby and now you figure out your life and get it together. Right. you know, it’s, it’s difficult, it’s difficult and I’m still learning and that’s okay.

Six Month Life Transition

You know, it’s been almost six months, but I’m starting to finally feel like things are starting to get back into place in a different way, finding this new normal that, you know, people talk about and it’s starting to get there and it took about six months and it might take longer for some people. It might take shorter for some people and that’s totally okay. But I just want to let people know that again, it is okay to not be okay after this huge life transition that you go through. There’s so much, you have to learn about yourself, your partner, if you have one, your support system, your life in general, your schedule, everything there’s so much you have to relearn because your life just took a very drastic turn.

Thanks For Letting Me Be Vulnerable

And you know, I just want people to know that it’s totally fine if you don’t have it together. And hopefully, I can be consistent with videos again and tips, but I might not be. And that’s okay. And I apologize that if you’re looking forward to it and you don’t see one this week or the next week or whatnot just know that I am trying to figure it out and I’m going to do my best to make sure we get it on track. So thanks for letting me be vulnerable. And I hope you’ll have a great day and it’s November, which means, you know, the holidays are right around the corner and I’m excited and enjoy the rest of your week. And again, thanks for letting me be vulnerable.

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