Stress & Anxiety
Anxiety is normal: to a degree. But what level is typical and what degree requires therapy? A little anxiety is healthy — motivating, even. However, the distinction is if your anxiety unfortunately causes you unnecessary distress and suffering and is negatively impacting your work life, social life, or family life. That’s when a licensed counselor can help dramatically.
Anxiety is a critical emotion that lets us know we are stressed, something is important to us, or a sign we want to protect ourselves.
Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults. Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only 37% of those suffering receive treatment. The most common anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, panic disorder, PTSD, acute stress and adjustment disorder.

Signs you may be struggling with anxiety.
- Difficulty focusing or turning your thoughts off
- Regular trouble falling or staying asleep
- Feeling uneasy, restless, or severely indecisive
- Fearing upcoming events or future uncertainties
- Persistent self-doubt or discomfort in social settings
- Frequently feeling agitated, irritable, or easily upset
- Anxiously dwelling on things you know you “shouldn’t”
- Chronically “hung up” or anxious about a specific situation
- Overly judgmental of yourself and obsessing over mistakes

Learn to cope, manage, and live with your anxiety.
With us you don’t have to act “over-the-moon” with happiness. We’re a safe and affirming space where you can be vulnerable and openly discuss guilt, shame, or fear as we understand PPD and fully recognize you as a good mother. We’re glad you’re seeking the support and treatment you deserve and need.
We will tailor our treatment approach with you based on the nature and severity of your postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, or postpartum PTSD symptoms. This is temporary and treatable.

Ever wondered what’s causing your depression?
Depression is complex and a number of factors contribute to it including family history and genetics, thought processes, interpersonal relationships and conflict or social isolation, life events (such as: trauma, a breakup or divorce, grief and loss, moving, the coming out process, quarter-life or mid-life crisis) and personality (low self-esteem, perfectionism, and self-criticism) to name a few. The severity and frequency of depressive symptoms and how long they last vary depending on the individual.
Depression is one of the most common mental health issues in the US with approximately 14.8 million adults experiencing it each year.

While improving relationships both with yourself and others.
Depression Symptoms
Depression Research
Depression Types
① Increase Your Self Awareness
While gaining insight into your emotional self and unhelpful thinking patterns
② Better Handle Life’s Challenges
And improve your ability to relate to your difficult life event more positively
③ Enhance Your Mindfulness
While learning and mastering calming techniques to better manage your moods
④ Invest in Postive Self-Care
Spend time working through and strengthening your self-worth, self-love and increase hope for the future
⑤ Learn to Set Healthy Boundries
Identify and validate the boundaries that are right for you, your relationships, and at work, by practicing assertiveness.
⑥ Gain Awareness of Avoidance
Including counter-productive thoughts, behaviors that may contribute to or prolong depressive symptoms