
It is mid-November – the winter Midwesterners (and other parts of the country) have been dreading all summer has finally arrived; bringing with it the end to fun summer flings, rooftop bars, and skimpy clothing. Instead we have replaced it with heavy jackets, pumpkin spice everything, and cuffing season. Yes, you read that right – […]

Surviving Quarantine: A Mental Health Survival Guide Drastic times call for drastic measures and in the face of a global pandemic we have suddenly found ourselves, without much warning, quarantined in our homes with family, roommates, a significant other, or alone. These are unprecedented times and everyone is experiencing and processing the shelter-in-place order […]

The Government sets boundaries, we all can too! Boundary setting is a lot of the work we do in therapy. It brings to light our relationships with partners, employers, friends, families, and selves. As therapists, we are taught to zoom in on these relationships and process how the relationships are serving our clients, a.k.a. […]

At this point in my life, I feel confident saying that most people would benefit from therapy. Maybe that’s not a big surprise, given my current career—I might be a little biased. However, I chose this path in part because of what a powerful impact my own therapy work has had on me and my […]

Shifting Trends in Childcare Over the last decade, there’s been a shift in the role of fatherhood. Dads are becoming more engaged in raising and parenting their children. Despite these positive developments, a large gap remains when it comes to equally sharing the responsibilities of parenting. According to a 2019 New York Times article, roughly […]

Hello, My name is Anthony and I’m an HSP About four years ago, I worked for an employee assistance program as a clinical supervisor of an intake center. I loved mentoring and training staff, developing systems to make our workflow more efficient, and helping clients struggling with their mental health. While I felt a deep, […]

As a therapist, one of the very first things I like to ask new couples who are dipping their toes into polyamory or non-monogamy is “How did you get here? How did you learn there was another way to do and be in relationships?” Listening to their stories of awakening, heartache, growth and insight coupled […]

Phases There have been multiple phases of the pandemic. In the early phases, there was an emphasis on routine and creating space for oneself. As we moved into differing degrees of “openness”, we were able to focus on boundaries, making sure we were not overwhelmed with too many activities. I have found that one thing […]

When my therapist gently suggested the diagnosis of ADHD, my first thought was that he was crazy. How could I–a 28-year-old woman who made it through undergrad and into grad school—have ADHD? I was smart! I was getting decent grades! ADHD was for little boys who are too hyperactive to sit still in their 2nd grade classrooms. Yet […]